Teams across Texas are heading back to the office. It’s a big adjustment for everyone, including your bottom line. Did you know this transition is the perfect time to slash communications costs from your VoIP provider?   

Start Saving Today! Time to Audit Your Communications 

Think back to the scramble of going fully remote in 2020. You likely invested in new tools, upgraded licenses and expanded features rapidly to keep employees connected from anywhere. But now that teams are going back to the office, those same solutions might be costing you unnecessarily. It’s time to take a closer look at what you’re actually using versus what you’re paying for! 

Step-by-Step Audit Guide

1. Inventory time

Pull together your recent communications bills and review every service and license type. (Or – you could send us your bill!) 

2. Match features to need:

Consider whether added features like video conferencing and collaboration tools are necessary now that your work environment has changed. 

3. Focus on the essentials:

In a traditional office setup, reliable call quality, internal extensions and basic call forwarding are often sufficient for a large segment of employees. 

Need some guidance assessing your current phone bills? Let us help. 

The Big Savings Opportunity: It’s All About the Licenses 

Review your user licenses carefully. Many business VoIP providers offer bundled packages that include a suite of features like video conferencing, mobility features and advanced collaboration tools. These bundles are excellent for remote work but in the office, they’re often overkill. If you’re paying $20 per user for a comprehensive bundle, you could potentially cut that cost in half with a downgrade. 

Basic Doesn’t Mean Bad 

You might be hesitant about switching to basic licenses, but the truth is, many in-office employees only need a reliable phone line, voicemail and potentially call forwarding. Don’t worry – those specialized video and collaboration features can remain accessible to specific teams or employees who genuinely require them. 

Replacing Costly Extras 

One common area of overspending is on mobility features. These give employees access to their office line and contacts via their cell phone no matter their location. While powerful, you can often achieve a similar result by forwarding your office phone number to your mobile phone without the added cost.  

[Note: Make sure this complies with any industry regulations you may need to follow.] 

The Potential Savings: Real Numbers 

Let’s do the math. If you’re paying $20 per user across 250 employees, that’s $5,000 per month. By switching even half of your users to basic licenses at $10 per user, you could save $1,250 monthly, – or $15,000 annually.  These are just starting points, of course; your specific setup could yield even bigger savings. 

Ready for savings? Let’s get started. 

Affiliated Communications Can Help You Cut Costs 

You’ve conducted your audit and identified potential cost-cutting changes, but now what? Implementing those changes while ensuring a smooth transition for your employees is where partnering with the right VoIP provider makes a world of difference. Here’s where Affiliated Communications shines: 

Affordability First 

Our VoIP systems are proven to be significantly more cost-effective than traditional providers. This aligns perfectly with your goal of reducing communication expenses as teams return to the office. 

Scalability is Key 

Whether you need to downgrade licenses today or rapidly expand services in the future, our solutions are designed to adjust to your business needs. This removes the headaches associated with rigid communication setups common with many competitors. 

Making the Switch Simple 

We understand that any disruption in communications is a major concern for businesses. Our experts work closely with you to ensure a seamless transition, minimizing any impact on your day-to-day operations. 

Beyond Cost Savings 

Affiliated Communications isn’t just about cutting your bill in half. We’re your strategic partner, helping you: 

  • Identify the features your in-office teams actually need 
  • Optimize your system setup to match workflow 
  • Stay ahead of the curve with best-in-class solutions 

Contact Affiliated Communications today. Our team will provide a comprehensive analysis of your communication system and tailor a solution that perfectly fits your in-office needs and budget.