We’re excited to announce our partnerships with four incredible cybersecurity providers: AT&T, eSure, Scinary and Lumos! Partnering with AT&T, a company known for its top-notch security, is a huge step for us. It means we can bring world-class protection to our clients right here in Texas. 

And with partners like eSure, Scinary and Lumos, we’re ready to handle any cybersecurity challenge – whether you want cutting-edge AI protection or budget-friendly solutions designed for local schools and governments. 

Protect Your Organization with Our Powerhouse Security Partners 

When it comes to cybersecurity, choosing the right solutions can be overwhelming. That’s why Affiliated Communications has teamed up with leading providers in the industry to bring organizations of all types and sizes the right cybersecurity solutions for their unique needs. Each partner brings specialized strengths to the table, ensuring we have the right solutions to safeguard your organization from ever-evolving cyberthreats. 


As a leader in the field, AT&T brings unmatched experience and a massive global network that helps them identify potential threats early. They offer a full suite of cybersecurity solutions, including: 

  • Network-based threat detection and response 
  • Firewall security to prevent unauthorized access 
  • Web and email security to protect against online attacks 
  • Mobile device management 
  • Security consulting for customized protection plans 


eSure is an innovative company that focuses on AI-driven threat detection and financial protection. Their bundle includes proactive monitoring by security experts and up to $1 million in cyber insurance coverage. 


A local Texas-based provider, Scinary understands the specific needs of local schools and government agencies and offers affordable solutions tailored to these sectors. 


Lumos specializes in cybersecurity assessments and penetration testing. Their services help identify vulnerabilities in your systems before attackers can exploit them. 


Have questions about any of these partners? Let us know and we’ll be happy to discuss. 

Don’t Fall for These Cybersecurity Excuses 

“Isn’t cybersecurity just for big companies?” 

It’s easy to think cyberattacks only happen to giant corporations that make the headlines. But the truth is, businesses of all sizes are targets. Smaller organizations often have less sophisticated security systems, making them easier prey for hackers. Don’t assume you’re too small to be noticed – investing in cybersecurity is essential, no matter your size. 

“We don’t have the budget for cybersecurity.” 

While cybersecurity requires investment, the cost of not having it is far greater. A single data breach can lead to crippling fines, lost revenue and even the closure of your business. Think of cybersecurity like insurance – it protects your most valuable assets. 

“Our IT team can handle it.” 

Even the most dedicated IT teams can be stretched thin. Cybersecurity requires specialized knowledge and constant vigilance to keep up with the latest threats. Partnering with experts gives you access to a whole team focused on nothing but protecting your organization. 

The Real Impact of Cybersecurity Services 

Investing in cybersecurity isn’t just about avoiding disaster – it’s about protecting your business’s future. Here are just a few examples of how our partners have helped organizations just like yours stay ahead of the curve: 

Peace of Mind 

Many business owners cite this as the biggest benefit. Knowing your systems are protected lets you focus on growing your business, not worrying about the next cyberthreat. 

Ransomware Prevention 

Ransomware attacks can cripple an organization. With the right security measures in place, these attacks can often be stopped in their tracks, saving you from costly downtime and data recovery. 

Reputation Protection 

A data breach erodes customer trust. Strong cybersecurity demonstrates your commitment to protecting sensitive information, enhancing your reputation as a reliable partner. 

Start Your Cybersecurity Journey with Affiliated Communications 

Protecting your business starts with understanding where you’re vulnerable. Here’s how we ensure a personalized and effective approach: 

Step 1: Analysis and Penetration Test 

We often begin with a comprehensive assessment by our partner, Lumos. This includes a penetration test to actively search for weak spots in your systems, revealing exactly where you need the most protection. 

Step 2: Understanding Your Landscape 

We’ll analyze the results alongside a deep dive into your current IT infrastructure. This creates a clear picture of your risks and the types of solutions that will best meet your needs. 

Step 3: Partner Selection 

We’ll work with you to select the ideal cybersecurity partners from our network. Whether you need the extensive resources of AT&T or a budget-friendly solution from Scinary, we’ll find the perfect fit. 

Step 4: Implementation and Support 

After careful selection, we’ll help you smoothly implement the chosen solutions. Our support doesn’t end there – we’re your ongoing partners in cybersecurity, ensuring your protection keeps pace with emerging threats. 


It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3… 4! Let’s get started. 

Why Choose Affiliated Communications for Cybersecurity Consulting? 

Cybersecurity can feel daunting, especially when dealing with large providers. That’s where we come in. Affiliated Communications is your trusted guide, offering a personalized experience you won’t find with the tech giants: 

We Know You 

We take the time to understand your unique business needs and build a relationship. You’re not just another ticket number to us. 

No Phone Tag 

When you have cybersecurity concerns, you need answers fast. We answer the phone, ditch the frustrating hold times, and connect you quickly to a real person who can help. 

Navigating the Options 

Our partnerships give you access to industry-leading solutions, but we’ll help you cut through the jargon and find what truly works for your organization. 

Your Long-Term Partner 

Cybersecurity isn’t a one-and-done deal. We’re with you for the long haul, offering ongoing support and adapting your protection as your business evolves. 

When you partner with Affiliated Communications, you’re guaranteed to receive white-glove service with the convenience and personal support of a local Texas-based partner. Get in touch with us today to get started on your cybersecurity journey!